
Assoc. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Barbara Wessner

Deputy Speaker

Institute of Sport Science

Contact information

Curriculum vitae
List of Publications

Dr. Oliver Neubauer, Privatdoz.

Ass.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Harald Tschan

Institute of Sport Science

Contact information

Curriculum vitae

Sandra Unterberger, BSc MSc

Rebeka Fejes, BSc, MSc

Dr. Nazli Seyed Khoei

Nazlisadat Seyed Khoei, MSc

Title: Investigating the role of bilirubin in prevention/development of chronic diseases: Evidences from observational and epidemiological studies

Prior members

emer. o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Norbert Bachl

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Verena Dirsch

Department of Pharmacognosy

Dr. Marlene Hofmann

Dr. Marlene Hofmann

Title: Potential blood- and muscle based biomarkers of dynapenia and sarcopenia and their response to a randomized controlled lifestyle intervention

Dr. Stefan Oesen

Dr. Stefan Ösen

Zentrum für Sportwissenschaft und Universitätssport

Dr. Barbara Halper

Dr. Barbara Halper

Title: Active Ageing – Influence of age and physical performance on transforming growth factor-β signaling