Achievements of the NutriAging project


9 PhD students in Bratislava and Vienna have or will finish with data of the project. Further 6 PhD students from the Slovak Academy of Sciences are working on studies from the project. More than 50 Master and Bachelor students in both countries have contributed so far mainly with analysis in the labs of both Universities and were able to finish their studies. So far more than 20 papers have been published but much more is to come. Importantly, also teaching material has been established and distributed to various organizations.

Within the project experienced researcher worked together with young scientist and contributed to their knowledge increase and their progress in finishing their education on PhD, master and bachelor level. On the other side young people were trained in techniques and contributed to hundres of biomarker which were assessed in the project.

The following PhD students will or have been finished with NutriaAging:

  • Agnes Draxler, Laura Bragagna, Sandra Unterberger, Rudolf Aschauer, Patrick Zöhrer (University of Vienna)
  • Mária Janubová, Lucia Cádrová, Lívia Gajdošová, Alena Szelle Černáčková (Comenius University Bratislava)
  • Lucia Balagová (Karailievová), Katarína Buzgoová (Hrivíková), Pavol Chomanič, Peter Karailiev, Zuzana Romanová, Henrieta Oravcová (Comenius University Bratislava and Slovak Academy of Sciences)


Almost 60 Master and Bachelor students worked within the project and are still working on biomarker assessment:

  • Master students in Vienna: Spasova Monika, Abramov Nataly, Maier Alexander, Cortolezis Johannes, Delariach Carina, Raimert Charlotte, Burndorfer Marlene, Baron Riccarda, Kelecevic Sanja, Cellnigg Katharina, Mitova Dimana, Kilinc Deria, Gruber Daniela, Fichtinger Daniela, Schinnerl Christiane Theresa, Rube Samira, Staltner Raphaela, Wolf Bianca, Hofbauer Linda, Csizmazia Melanie, Pantic Jelena, Bartosch Romina, Huberty Claire, Gallyova-Baier Eva, Dorninger Julia, Setka, Nadine, Trettenhahn Sabine, Thomas Marsch, Mila Varcheva, Nina Eszterle,  Simon Srienc, Scoris Mariann Solomon, Maria Weber, Sahar Noori, Monika Kolar, Tamara Stelzer
  • Master students in Bratislava: Martin Sedlák, Peter Leopold Buchta, Cynthia Sárkányová, Teresa Ridder, Krisztina Fekete, Erik Bati, Martin Soldán, Petra Žitňáková, Viktória Galbavá, Mária Capová
  • Bachelor students in Vienna: Hannah Spahits, Carina Zötsch, Stephanie Schmutz, Laura Huber, Hannah Schmierer, Dennis Karpe, Lisa Feit, Moritz Aggeler, Mirjam Binner, Patrick Lachmair
  • Bachelor students in Bratislava: Cynthia Sárkányová, Viktória Galbavá

At the moment more than 20 papers have been published in international and national scientific journals as well as plenty of papers in journals which are linked to the target group of older adults.

Link to – project outputs ( )