Platform Activities


Achievements of the NutriAging project

9 PhD students in Bratislava and Vienna have or will finish with data of the project. Further 6 PhD students from the Slovak Academy of Sciences are working on studies from the project. More than 50 Master and Bachelor students in both countries have contributed so far mainly with analysis in the...


Final NutriAging Meeting and 2nd Summer School

After more than 5 years the NutriAging EU project came officially to an end.

On 20th of September we had our 2nd NutriAging Summer School. One day later we conducted the final meeting in a hybrid format. Researcher from Austria came to Bratislava to participate in the meeting onsite.


A team of the Research Platform Active Ageing aims to provide new evidence of whether nitrate-rich beetroot juice could be a key component of therapeutic interventions to improve cardiovascular health in older adults with high blood pressure.


Effect of progressive resistance training, nutritional optimization or cognitive training on health status, motor competence and quality of life in institutionalized elderly - a long term intervention study

The intervention study over a period of 18 months aimed at evaluating the impact of exercise training (progressive resistance training) with or without dietary supplementation (as a nutrient dense supplement designed to prevent sarcopenia) on performance, functional parameters, the nutritional...


Grant: EU, Interreg Solvakia-Austria (2014-2020), European Regional Development Fund